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Buy Biometrics, all the products you need for your project. Solutions in Video Surveillance, Access Control, Energy, Fire Detection, Alarms, Intrusion and Automation, Radio Communication, Networking, Sctructured Cabling, IoT / GPS / Telematics and Signaling Devices
There are 54 products.
ZKTECO HORUSTL1 Time Attendance with Visible Light Facial Re
$117.72HORUSTL1 ZKTECO Time Attendance with Visible Light Facial Recognition / 800 Users HORUS-TL1 -
ZKTECO K30 Fingerprint Reader and proximity card reader / TC
$141.11K30 ZKTECO Fingerprint Reader and proximity card reader / TCP-IP Time Attendance and Basic options for Access Control / Relay Output for Electric Lock K-30 -
ZKTECO X7 Standalone Fingerprint and Proximity Reader with K
$75.76X7 ZKTECO Standalone Fingerprint and Proximity Reader with Keypad X7 -
ZKTECO F22ID Fingerprint reader / EM Card Reader / 3000 Fing
$257.21F22ID ZKTECO Fingerprint reader / EM Card Reader / 3000 Fingerprints / 5000 Cads / ADMS / Wi-Fi F22-ID -
ZKTECO LF10KIT Access Control KIT / LF100 / 1 500 Users / Ma
$99.85LF10KIT ZKTECO Access Control KIT / LF100 / 1 500 Users / Mag Lock / Exit Button / ID Cards LF10-KIT -
ZKTECO MB160ID Facial Recognition Terminal with proximity ca
$393.48MB160ID ZKTECO Facial Recognition Terminal with proximity card reader Fingerprint Reader for 1500 Faces and 1500 Fingerprint Templates MB160ID -
ZKTECO TF1700 Fingerprint Access Control Reader / 3 000 Fing
$313.93TF1700 ZKTECO Fingerprint Access Control Reader / 3 000 Fingerprints / 10 000 Cards / TCP/IP / Wiegand 26bit / 30 000 events TF-1700 -
ZKTECO ZK9500 USB Station Fingerprint Enrollment Device
$96.87ZK9500 ZKTECO USB Station Fingerprint Enrollment Device ZK-9500 -
ZKTECO MB160 Facial Recognition Terminal with Fingerprint Re
$225.82MB160 ZKTECO Facial Recognition Terminal with Fingerprint Reader for 1500 Faces and 2000 Fingerprint Templates MB-160 -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV4L Hi Speed Facial and Palm Terminal 800 us
$229.75SPEEDFACEV4L ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial and Palm Terminal 800 users / Access Control / Time & Attendance / BioTimePRO Compatible SPEEDFACEV4L -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV3LQR Standalone QR code and Face Recognitio
$288.33SPEEDFACEV3LQR ZKTECO Standalone QR code and Face Recognition Reader SPEEDFACE-V3L-QR -
ZKTECO PROMAQR Outdoor Standalone QR code and Face Recogniti
$519.99PROMAQR ZKTECO Outdoor Standalone QR code and Face Recognition Reader PRO-MA-QR -
ZKTECO SF300 IP Based Fingerprint Access Control & Time Atte
$216.22SF300 ZKTECO IP Based Fingerprint Access Control & Time Attendance with 2.8" Touch-Screen 1 500 Users SF-300 -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV5LP Contactless Facial and Palm recognition
$544.76SPEEDFACEV5LP ZKTECO Contactless Facial and Palm recognition terminal / Fingerprint / Doorphone / QR Code Reader SPEEDFACEV5LP -
ZKTECO LX40Z Fingerprint Reader with Keypad for Assistance C
$81.99LX40Z ZKTECO Fingerprint Reader with Keypad for Assistance Control 500 Users Generates Excel Reports LX-40Z -
Last items in stock
ZKTECO ZKCVACP25 ZKBio CVsecurity License activates 25 doors
$606.86 Last items in stockZKCVACP25 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity License activates 25 doors for access control ZK-CV-AC-P25 -
Last items in stock
ZKTECO HORUSE1 Portable Hi Speed Facial Recognition Terminal
$772.79 Last items in stockHORUSE1 ZKTECO Portable Hi Speed Facial Recognition Terminal 6 000 faces HORUS-E1 -
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ZKTECO PROFACEX Facial Recognition Device for Access Control
$1,624.14 Last items in stockPROFACEX ZKTECO Facial Recognition Device for Access Control Outdoors PRO-FACE-X -
Last items in stock
ZKTECO ZKBSLICRES License reset for ZKBiosecurity when the w
$134.49 Last items in stockZKBSLICRES ZKTECO License reset for ZKBiosecurity when the warranty has expired ZKBSLICRES -
Last items in stock
ZKTECO ZKCVACP5 ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 5 Doors f
$67.26 Last items in stockZKCVACP5 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 5 Doors for Access Control ZKCVACP5 -
ZKTECO FR1300 Fingerprint and Proximity Reader with RS-485 K
$190.91 Out-of-StockFR1300 ZKTECO Fingerprint and Proximity Reader with RS-485 Keypad for Interior Compatible with Panels FR-1300 -
ZKTECO ZKCVAPPADMINP5 ZKBio CVsecurity license for 5 account
$399.66 Out-of-StockZKCVAPPADMINP5 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity license for 5 accounts using the app ZKCVAPPADMINP5 -
ZKTECO ZKCVAPPADMINP1 ZKBio CVsecurity license for 1 account
$149.87 Out-of-StockZKCVAPPADMINP1 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity license for 1 account using the app ZKCVAPPADMINP1 -
ZKTECO ZKCVACP50 ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 50 Doors
$1,150.95 Out-of-StockZKCVACP50 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 50 Doors for Access Control ZKCVACP50 -
ZKTECO ZKA3770002 License reset for BioTimePRO when the warr
$134.49 Out-of-StockZKA3770002 ZKTECO License reset for BioTimePRO when the warranty has expired ZKA3770002 -
ZKTECO ZKCVELEONLINES1 ZKBioCVsecurity License to manage 1 e
$192.13 Out-of-StockZKCVELEONLINES1 ZKTECO ZKBioCVsecurity License to manage 1 elevator ONLINE Mode (1 license per elevator up to 10 maximum) ZKCVELEONLINES1 -
ZKTECO ZKCVACP100 ZKBio CVsecurity License activates 100 doo
$2,303.82 Out-of-StockZKCVACP100 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity License activates 100 doors for access control ZKCVACP100 -
ZKTECO ZKCVACP10 ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 10 Doors
$233.40 Out-of-StockZKCVACP10 ZKTECO ZKBio CVsecurity License Activates 10 Doors for Access Control ZKCVACP10 -
ZKTECO MB360PAYROLL Biometric for Time and Assistance with O
$395.33 Out-of-StockMB360PAYROLL ZKTECO Biometric for Time and Assistance with OEM Specific. MB360-PAYROLL -
ZKTECO F22IDUS Fingerprint reader / EM Card Reader / SILKID
$1,075.63 Out-of-StockF22IDUS ZKTECO Fingerprint reader / EM Card Reader / SILKID / ADMS / WiFi / Up to 3000 users / Touch Keyboard F22ID-US -
ZKTECO MB160W WiFi Facial Recognition Terminal with Fingerpr
$301.16 Out-of-StockMB160W ZKTECO WiFi Facial Recognition Terminal with Fingerprint Reader for 1500 Faces and 2000 Fingerprint Templates MB-160W -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV5L Hi Speed Facial Recongnition Terminal 6
$439.37 Out-of-StockSPEEDFACEV5L ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial Recongnition Terminal 6 000 faces 10 000 Figerprints SPEEDFACEV5L -
ZKTECO FACEDEPOT7A Facial Recognition Device for Access Cont
$966.95 Out-of-StockFACEDEPOT7A ZKTECO Facial Recognition Device for Access Control Impact Proof FACE-DEPOT-7A -
ZKTECO PROFACEXCH Facial Recognition Device for Access Contr
$1,815.76 Out-of-StockPROFACEXCH ZKTECO Facial Recognition Device for Access Control Outdoors PROFACEXCH -
ZKTECO ZKG3H Time Attendance Terminal up to 50 000 FP and 30
$923.84 Out-of-StockZKG3H ZKTECO Time Attendance Terminal up to 50 000 FP and 30 000 Faces (1:1) ZK-G3H -
ZKTECO FACEKIOSKV43 43 inch Screen Module For Advertising an
$4,996.12 Out-of-StockFACEKIOSKV43 ZKTECO 43 inch Screen Module For Advertising and Facial Recognition for Time Attendance FACE-KIOSK-V43 -
ZKTECO ZKG4 Hi Speed Facial Recognition Terminal for Time At
$1,052.08 Out-of-StockZKG4 ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial Recognition Terminal for Time Attendance Green Label ZK-G4 -
ZKTECO PRORFT EM Card Reader Access Control Terminal for big
$350.19 Out-of-StockPRORFT ZKTECO EM Card Reader Access Control Terminal for big quantity of cards compatible with ZKBiosecurity3.0 PRORF-T -
ZKTECO PROFACEXTI Facial Recognition and Temperature Device
$2,650.38 Out-of-StockPROFACEXTI ZKTECO Facial Recognition and Temperature Device for Access Control PROFACEXTI -
ZKTECO MINIACPLUS Hi Speed Facial recognition device / 3 000
$344.99 Out-of-StockMINIACPLUS ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial recognition device / 3 000 Users / EM CARD Reader / ZKBioAccess and ZKBiosecurity Compatible MINI-AC-PLUS -
ZKTECO PROFACEXCHTD Facial Recognition and Body Temperature
$2,227.02 Out-of-StockPROFACEXCHTD ZKTECO Facial Recognition and Body Temperature Device for Access Control PROFACEXCHTD -
ZKTECO FACEDEPOT7B Facial Recognition Device for Access Cont
$768.75 Out-of-StockFACEDEPOT7B ZKTECO Facial Recognition Device for Access Control for indoors FACE-DEPOT-7B -
ZKTECO INPULSE Finger Vein and fingerprint Standalone Access
$713.67 Out-of-StockINPULSE ZKTECO Finger Vein and fingerprint Standalone Access Control Terminal / ZKBiosecurity3.0 Video / visitors / hotels / elevators / guard patrol INPULSE -
ZKTECO S922WIFI Wi-Fi Portable Fingerprint Reader
$689.97 Out-of-StockS922WIFI ZKTECO Wi-Fi Portable Fingerprint Reader S922-WIFI -
ZKTECO FR1500WPA Flush-Mounted RS-485 Fingerprint and Proxim
$150.19 Out-of-StockFR1500WPA ZKTECO Flush-Mounted RS-485 Fingerprint and Proximity Card Reader for Outdoor ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH ATLAS CONTROLLERS FR-1500-WPA -
ZKTECO SILKFP101TA Fingerprint Reader for Time & Attendance
$343.79 Out-of-StockSILKFP101TA ZKTECO Fingerprint Reader for Time & Attendance Terminal 2.8" Screen SILK-FP-101-TA -
ZKTECO ZKG3PRO Facial Recognition Terminal / 12 000 Faces /
$453.95 Out-of-StockZKG3PRO ZKTECO Facial Recognition Terminal / 12 000 Faces / 6 000 Palms / 20 000 Cards / 20 000 Fingerprint / DDNS Supported with BIOTIMEPRO / ZKG3PRO -
ZKTECO PDS3000 High Speed Camera for Identification Document
$649.77 Out-of-StockPDS3000 ZKTECO High Speed Camera for Identification Documents PDS-3000 -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV5LTD Hi Speed Facial and Temperature Recogn
$1,357.00 Out-of-StockSPEEDFACEV5LTD ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial and Temperature Recognition Terminal 6 000 faces 10 000 Figerprints SPEEDFACEV5LTD -
ZKTECO PROBIO GREEN LABEL Face Recognition with Fingerprint
$702.63 Out-of-StockPROBIO ZKTECO GREEN LABEL Face Recognition with Fingerprint Sensor Terminal for 4 000 Users compatible with ZKBiosecurity3.0 PRO-BIO -
ZKTECO P160 Palm Recognition and fingerprint Time Attendace
$240.76 Out-of-StockP160 ZKTECO Palm Recognition and fingerprint Time Attendace Terminal with Access Control Functions P160 -
ZKTECO SPEEDFACEV5LTI Hi Speed Facial and Temperature Recogn
$1,530.72 Out-of-StockSPEEDFACEV5LTI ZKTECO Hi Speed Facial and Temperature Recognition Terminal 6 000 faces 10 000 Fingerprints SPEEDFACEV5LTI -
ZKTECO SLK20R Fingerprint USB Enrollment Station
$139.37 Out-of-StockSLK20R ZKTECO Fingerprint USB Enrollment Station SLK-20R