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Buy NDAA, all the products you need for your project. Solutions in Video Surveillance, Access Control, Energy, Fire Detection, Alarms, Intrusion and Automation, Radio Communication, Networking, Sctructured Cabling, IoT / GPS / Telematics and Signaling Devices
There are 19 products.
2gig 2GIGGC2E345 Security & Control Panel / Supports LTE 4G
$178.732GIGGC2E345 2gig Security & Control Panel / Supports LTE 4G and 3G / Compatible with and SecureNet 2GIG-GC2E-345 -
2gig 2GIGEDGNAVAVERIZON EDGE Security & Home Automation Cont
$380.222GIGEDGNAVAVERIZON 2gig EDGE Security & Home Automation Control Panel - Verizon 2GIGEDGNAVA(VERIZON) -
2gig 2GIGEDGNAAAATT 2GIG EDGE Security & Home Automation Con
$380.222GIGEDGNAAAATT 2gig 2GIG EDGE Security & Home Automation Control Panel - AT&T 2GIGEDGNAAA(ATT) -
2gig 2GIGEDGDESK 2GIG EDGE Desktop Stand
$12.842GIGEDGDESK 2gig 2GIG EDGE Desktop Stand 2GIG-EDG-DESK -
AccessPRO PROVTAN4B Armored Door with Window Level IV (Assau
$6,412.46 Out-of-StockPROVTAN4B AccessPRO Armored Door with Window Level IV (Assault Rifle AK47 Fragmentation Grenade) PROVTAN4B -
AccessPRO PROSQW Mini UFO Tags 100 pcs.
$13.14 Out-of-StockPROSQW AccessPRO Mini UFO Tags 100 pcs. PRO-SQW -
AccessPRO PROTCLB 100 Tags Package White for Clothes
$13.60 Out-of-StockPROTCLB AccessPRO 100 Tags Package White for Clothes PROTCLB -
AccessPRO 21207051A Retractable Badge Holder Reels. Blue. 10
21207051A AccessPRO Retractable Badge Holder Reels. Blue. 10 pcs. 2120705-1A -
AccessPRO DIC100091 One Side Printable Cards with Adhesive 1
$74.08 Out-of-StockDIC100091 AccessPRO One Side Printable Cards with Adhesive 100 pcs Package / Paste on non-printable cards DIC-100091 -
C.NORD NORDGSMMINI Alarm panel. Suitable for the security of
$79.16 Out-of-StockNORDGSMMINI C.NORD Alarm panel. Suitable for the security of small offices and other commercial real estate. NORD-GSM-MINI -
Syscom PRO4GK Hybrid Cloud Alarm Panel with communicator inc
$334.64 Out-of-StockPRO4GK Syscom Hybrid Cloud Alarm Panel with communicator included 4G. 8 Wired / 32 Wireless zones / 100% programming via WEB. PRO4GK -
Syscom SSB155 Ballasts for Lighting 55 W / 12 Vdc
SSB155 Syscom Ballasts for Lighting 55 W / 12 Vdc SSB155 -
Syscom LSPD113 Lamp with electronic ballast.Elegant metal ca
$31.65 Out-of-StockLSPD113 Syscom Lamp with electronic ballast.Elegant metal cabinet. LSPD113 -
Syscom ARROW1234 High efficiency lamp for solar energy 4.13
$32.22 Out-of-StockARROW1234 Syscom High efficiency lamp for solar energy 4.13 W 320 lumen. ARROW1234 -
KENWOOD TS2000 Mobile Radio HF VHF and UHF 100 W (SSB / FM)
$3,085.19 Out-of-StockTS2000 KENWOOD Mobile Radio HF VHF and UHF 100 W (SSB / FM) 25 W (AM). TS-2000 -
KENWOOD THD72A Dual Band Transceiver with built-in GPS 144-4
$918.23 Out-of-StockTHD72A KENWOOD Dual Band Transceiver with built-in GPS 144-440 MHz 5W THD-72A -
KENWOOD TS990S HF Transceiver 25 W Bands from 160 m up to 6
$0.01 Out-of-StockTS990S KENWOOD HF Transceiver 25 W Bands from 160 m up to 6 m (1.8 - 50 MHz) TS-990S -
KENWOOD TM281AK VHF Mobile Radio Amateur (microphone include
$324.75 Out-of-StockTM281AK KENWOOD VHF Mobile Radio Amateur (microphone included). 65W Tx: 144-148 MHz Rx: 136-174 MHz. TM-281AK -
KENWOOD THK20AK Amateur Handheld Radio VHF 200 channels FM T
$274.41 Out-of-StockTHK20AK KENWOOD Amateur Handheld Radio VHF 200 channels FM TX 144-148 MHz RX 136-174 MHz THK-20AK